The Science Behind Terrace Metrics

Our comprehensive system is based on resiliency science, our research has been published in peer-reviewed journal articles.

The Science Behind Terrace Metrics

Our comprehensive system is based on resiliency science, our research has been published in peer-reviewed journal articles.

State & federal grant agencies that funded studies using tm:

Key Findings from Our Original Validation Study

A validation study of Terrace Metrics was conducted with a sample of 43,324 students from grades 3-12. The study found that the assessment is a valid and reliable measure of student behavioral health.

All indicators assessed by Terrace Metrics provide a psychometrically sound “snapshot” of a student’s resiliency.

All indicators as well as the TFS demonstrate strong temporal stability, meaning that the system can be used over time with meaningful results.

Information obtained from the assessment significantly correlates with key objective academic and behavioral indicators.

How Does the TM Product Integrate Their Research?

Terrace Metrics is an comprehensive system that helps assess and improve the behavioral health outcomes of students, educators, and workplace employees.

Our assessment tool uses clinically evidenced & validated indicators

We provide in-depth reporting that focus on these indicators at an aggregate level.

We provide research based interventions at the group and individual level to drive change.

Founded in Science

Our founders, Kathleen Chard and Rich Gilman built Terrace Metrics with deep behavioral health expertise and a passion for change in education and the workplace.


CEO + Co-Founder

Dr. Kathleen Chard is an international expert on trauma and adversity across the lifespan. She received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Indiana and is the co-author of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), one of the only two treatments recognized by the U.S. Department of Defense. Dr. Chard led the national roll out of CPT for the Veterans Administration and she has over 100 publications on the impact of adversity to adults, children, and families. She is highly sought after for her expertise in this area, with hundreds of presentations to American and international audiences.


President + Co-Founder

Rich has seen firsthand how workers, students and teachers struggle with stress, pressure, long hours and how it takes its toll on their health; and ultimately negatively impacts the performance of the organization that they work for or the activities they are engaged in. Convinced there had to be a more effective way to assess and solve for these challenges, he interviewed hundreds of individuals and organizations to understand their unique needs, he received in-depth training on organizational systems science, and he continued his research in resilience science to better determine the most robust predictors of optimal functioning. He has degrees from the University of Minnesota, the University of South Carolina, and Oxford University.